The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of AE3019660-RA vs. genbank:protein
Analysis Date: 2017-01-27 (
Blastp: Annotation v3.0 vs NR )
Total hits: 0
H A H T Y Y K K T W F F H Q W R H K K F L D T G I E H S I I D I R A L R G V N I S S V M R L G I N L N 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Sequence
Match Name E-value Identity Description
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The following features are aligned
This polypeptide is derived from or has results from the following analyses
This polypeptide derives from the following mRNA feature(s):
The following sequences are available for this feature:
polypeptide sequence
>AE3019660-PA ID=AE3019660-PA|Name=AE3019660-RA|organism=Aphidius ervi|type=polypeptide|length=51bp HAHTYYKKTWFFHQWRHKKFLDTGIEHSIIDIRALRGVNISSVMRLGINL N back to top