Gene nomenclature

This page lists rules to assign gene names and symbols for different gene families. These rules are intended to be followed (at least) for all genomes hosted on BIPAA.

Write to if you would like to modify rules or add your own rules for a new gene family.

Cuticle and chitin related proteins

Note: we found that Drosophila rules for symbols were the best, after comparison with Anopheles, Tribolium or any other well-annotated insect, see this gene for example (Cuticular protein 67Fa1): htt,p://
We may comment on the numbering they used (linked to cytogenetic coordinates, that we do not have in our and most genomes)
M&M: Cuticular proteins were named and described following that adopted for Drososphila melanogaster annotation (Fly Base version nn).
Names were given as “Cuticular protein nnn” (no padding zeros) as soon that they were identified by CPFP (Reference).
Descriptions added the protein family as predicted by CPFP (Reference), dated of March 2017.
Symbols were chosen as CPRnnn (including padding zeros), and following Flybase rule, not other insects annotations.
Cuticular protein nnn (we do not include padding 0)
Cuticular protein nnn, Family bla-bla (Here we report exactely the terminology of an automated classifier of cuticular proteins, CPFP = CutProtFamPred)
CPRnnn (here we do include the zeros)
Cuticular protein 1
Cuticular protein 1, Family CPR_RR-1 
So, when you are speaking with a Phylloxera researcher, you will cite this protein as CPR001 (symbol) or CPR 1 cuticular protein (name),
and when speaking with any other people, you will label it as DviCPR001 (of course not precluding of any other isoform = splice variant, if present, which would DviCPR001-A, B, C…)