The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of Cotesia_vestalis002808-RA vs. genbank:protein
Analysis Date: 2017-10-27 ( Cotesia vestalis OGS 1.0 Blast NR)
Total hits: 0
Match Name | E-value | Identity | Description | |
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GO Annotation
GO Assignments
This polypeptide is annotated with the following GO terms.
Category |
Term Accession |
Term Name |
molecular_function |
GO:0005515 |
protein binding |
molecular_function |
GO:0008270 |
zinc ion binding |
Analysis Name: Cotesia vestalis OGS 1.0 InterProScan
Date Performed: 2017-10-27
IPR Term | IPR Description | Source | Source Term | Source Description | Alignment |
IPR013083 | Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type | GENE3D | | | coord: 40..87 e-value: 1.9E-4 score: 20.1 |
None | No IPR available | PHOBIUS | CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN | Cytoplasmic domain | coord: 25..110 |
None | No IPR available | PHOBIUS | TRANSMEMBRANE | Transmembrane region | coord: 6..24 |
None | No IPR available | PHOBIUS | NON_CYTOPLASMIC_DOMAIN | Non cytoplasmic domain | coord: 1..5 |
None | No IPR available | SIGNALP_EUK | SignalP-noTM | SignalP-noTM | coord: 1..10 score: 0.452 |
None | No IPR available | SUPERFAMILY | 57850 | RING/U-box | coord: 33..90 |
IPR001841 | Zinc finger, RING-type | PROSITE | PS50089 | ZF_RING_2 | coord: 45..84 score: 8.845 |
The following features are aligned
This polypeptide is derived from or has results from the following analyses
This polypeptide derives from the following mRNA feature(s):
The following sequences are available for this feature:
polypeptide sequence >Cotesia_vestalis002808-PA ID=Cotesia_vestalis002808-PA|Name=Cotesia_vestalis002808-RA|organism=Cotesia vestalis|type=polypeptide|length=111bp MAVHWSELVFELSLYSSLLLYDYCKKKKKSKEEKNQKLNYQEKICAVCGK KIKLNSKNHKLNCGHSCHKVCYQYQSKKECNICKIESIKDFEKLDFQVEE IGLEKKLMSD. back to top
Annotated Terms
The following terms have been associated with this polypeptide:
Vocabulary: Molecular Function
Term | Definition |
GO:0005515 | protein binding |
GO:0008270 | zinc ion binding |